More Info: Stool DNA
Important Facts About This Test
- Stool DNA testing has a high level of accuracy for finding cancers and a medium level of accuracy for finding polyps. Some patients' tests may be false positive, leading to unnecessary colonoscopies.
- If the results of this test are abnormal, you would need to have a colonoscopy.
- There is no risk.
- A stool DNA test needs to be done once every 2 to 5 years.
- It is more costly than FOBT but now covered by Medicare and some insurers.
Getting Ready
- The test requires no preparation.
During the Test
- The test is done at home, using a collection bucket that fits under the toilet seat.
- You do not have to handle the stool at any time.
After the Test
- When you finish the test, you place the container in a pre-addressed box and mail it to a laboratory.
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